Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Force Awakens Tie Fighter Vehicle

 I remember way back in 2015 before The Force Awakens is released, there was a Force Friday. I didn't get to go because I had to work the next day and didn't feel like staying up past midnight.
 Anyway I go to Target after work the next day to see what kind of stuff was left over. I go to the shelves only to be disappointed because most of the toys were gone. Sigh!
 A Target employee walks up to me and asks if I wanted to see some Star Wars toys and if he was selling drugs. Crazy! So apparently, some of the toys were hidden away.
 I get to look at some of them, and in the pile of toys was a Tie Fighter like this one. It looked so cool!!! I asked about the price and found that it was $50!!! I was not used to paying that much for Star Wars toys so it made me choke.  I didn't buy it. Fast forward to 2019 and this is at the 99 cents only stores!!! Yay!!!! $8.99! Yes please!!!
 It includes a figure! yeah!!!!
 The wings are quite big!
The figure barely fits!
Awesome looking TIE!!!!