Saturday, May 28, 2011

Star Wars Chess by Danbury Mint

This is my Star Wars chess set released by the Danbury Mint back in the 90's. Two chess pieces would arrive in the mail each month usually a pawn and a major piece. The chess board opened up and had storage space for the chess pieces.

For years, I had seen many different chess sets. There were plenty of Star Trek chess sets and they were very cool. For the longest time there weren't any really nice Star Wars chess. There were cheap chess sets but I couldn't deal with those because they were made of plastic and were all bendy. Ugh!  I made a promise to myself that when a Star Wars chess set that is not sold in Toys R Us becomes available, I would get it. Didn't matter how much it cost, I would get. Didn't matter how poor I was, I-would-get-it. So, sometime in the early 90's, I was  looking through a TV Guide and happen upon an ad for Star Wars chess!!!! Yay! Finally, I can  have a chess set that a Star Wars geek would be so proud to have in his collection. There was no hesitation! I completed the order form, put it in an envelope, stamped it, and dropped it in the mail box. I was so excited!!!!!! The waiting was the worst part! Finally, about a month later I received the first two chess pieces. They were magnificent! I dreamed of the day when I would have all of the pieces and could display them proudly. Yes, I received two chess pieces each month. Since there are 32 chess pieces that means it took almost three years to complete the set. It was a long, long wait. Oh! And each piece cost me $22.50!! So that comes to a total of.......well, I try not to think about that.  Isn't it pretty?? The crazy thing is I don't play chess!!! LOL!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vintage Princess Leia Organa Action Figure

Princess Leia Organa was included in the Early Bird Set, but made its first carded appearance on the Star Wars 12 back card in 1978. The figure includes a cape and a laser pistol.

The Leia with the pistol is my original. For some reason I no longer have the cardback. Sadness! I got two other Leias later but they did not have a cape. Using a template from Toypolloi, I was able to make capes from a vinyl blow up ball. The capes are not exactly the same as can be seen but they still look good on display.

A story from my childhood:

I really loved to play with my Star Wars toys. With lots of playing comes lots of wear. Well, parts of Leia's hair had worn off. It was so annoying! I had a great idea one day to paint the hair with black oil based paint that my mother happen to have under the sink.  Just after my mother walks out the door to go to work, I take out the can of paint and set it on the kitchen table. Right after I pop the top off, my brother says he will go tell mother on me. Ugh! Such a pain! I proceed to paint, my brother leaves, and a few  minutes later my mother enters telling me to put the paint away. Lame!!! Of course she's really upset because she was on her way to work and had to walk back to the apartment to do some scolding. Anyway, she walks out the door again, but I was not deterred and finished painting Leia. Then it happened....I pull at a rag that was under the paint can, and before I even realized what I had done the can falls to the floor. In slow motion of course!!!!    Black oil based paint splatter all over the kitchen floor. Oil based paint is REALLY tough to clean up. Well, I get it cleaned but the news gets to mother and she  punishes me. Hey, at least Leia's hair looks fabulous!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vintage Hammerhead Action Figure

The Hammerhead figure was packed with a Stormtrooper type blaster. It has a very simple outfit design. Though this figure was originally included in the Cantina Adventure Set, it made its first appearance on the Star Wars 20 back card.

Childhood memory:

Hammerhead is my first Star Wars toy ever. Yup! Of all the cool figures I could have gotten first, I got Hammerhead. Why did I get Hammerhead first??? Well, I had a really good friend, named John, who was also a Star Wars geek. He had all of the start up figures. I had none. sigh. We were really poor at the time and I couldn't just go to the store on a whim to buy toys. Later, my family situation was getting better and I was earning allowance.  I was excited!!! Finally I could buy Star Wars toys.  Off to the store I go!! A new set of figures were released in stores so I had a lot to choose from. As I perused through the bounty that was Star Wars action figures, I thought to myself, "Which one does John not have? Of course! Hammerhead!" So I snatched up the figure, bought it, took it home, and proudly showed it off to my friend. I had a figure that he did not. It felt good! Hey! What do you expect? I was only 11 years old.

About My Blog

I was thinking for a long while about starting a blog, but could not decide on what the subject would be. Then, I see a blog about Smash Hits magazinge. The blogger decided to archive issues of Smash Hits! Very cool! Then I thought, " I have a large collection of Star Wars toys. So why not do a blog about them and my memories about them."  Here is my blog where I archive my entire Star Wars collection. I have loved Star Wars since its first release in 1977. I have been collecting as many things related to Star Wars since then.