Monday, August 31, 2020

The Power of the Force 2 Deluxe Boba Fett

Ah! The 90's. When everything was EXTREME!!! Toys had to be buff and hard core!! LOL!!!

This is a perfect example of Hasbro being over the top with Star Wars. 

Making accessories to figures to get them JACKED!!!

Boba Fett Gonna F*ck you up!!!! 

I was collecting anything related to Star Wars! Decided to open this and check it out! 

 Oh yeah!!! EXTREME!!!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Power of the Force 2 Deluxe Probe Droid


I kept this Deluxe Probe Droid on card since the 90's. At that time I wasn't opening my collection. Why? I think that maybe one day I would have sold off my collection and was hoping for lots of money coming in. Cha Ching! I have decide that my collection will not be sold. It will stay with me until I die. That being said, most of my collection is now being opened and displayed. This Probe Droid is a perfect example. 

It's pretty cool, cause it has a cannon in the middle. 

It shoots a torpedo!

The top of the droid also pops off!!! This is the only Probe Droid to do that! So cool!!!!

Deluxe Probe Droid on display!!! Yeah!!