Saturday, April 29, 2017

Pepperidge Farm Star Wars Cookies

The Pepperidge Farm Star Wars cookies came out in stores in 1983. From what I can remember they were pretty good. I only got the vannila kind. They actually had chocolate and peanut butter. I was a teenager at the time these came out and I decided to keep the box. Not only did I keep the box, I also kept one of each cookie. Why? Well, I'm a collecter and very serious at the young age of 16. I had to collect everything related to Star Wars, even cookies.

On the back of the box is an order form for drinking cups. I never got those and really wish I had.

I did a short video about the cookies and even try to describe how they smell now.

Check out my video here:

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Ultimate Guide To Vintage Star Wars Action Figures 1977-1985

This is an amazing book. I includes pictures of all of the figures, ships, and play sets released by Kenner.  As I read the book, I was on a nostalgia trip. I was also feeling kind of sad because there's a lot of the vintage collection I don't have and probably won't because of the ridiculous price for them now. If only I had a time machine!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Vintage Radio Controlled R2-D2

I acquired the Radio Controlled R2-D2 in the late 80's from the brother of my really good friend at the time. I was hanging out at their house and he just offered to me his whole Star Wars collection. I was very excited and grateful. After he had given me his collection it finally came out why he did it, he wanted to trade an issue of the Batman comic in which Robin is killed by the Joker. I don't know why he thought I had it and I felt really bad so I offered to give back the Star Wars collection. He didn't want it back!!! I got some great items for my collection including the R2-D2!
After all these years R2 still looks good. Mainly because I take very good care of it. It doesn't totally work unfortunately. R2 only makes two different beeping sounds and that's it. R2 is supposed to move forward and backwards, as well as turn his head. Wish I could get it to work but don't know what to do. Also the remote is missing the long antenna wire so maybe that is why R2 is not working properly. Who knows? Anyway R2 looks great on display.

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Play For Power Card Game

Here is another item I got way back in the 80's during my youth. The box is open and looks used which means I must have played the game. I had a really good friend back in the day who really loved Star Wars as much as I do so most likely we played this game. I have no memory of playing but I am sure it happened.

The art on the cards are pretty good and typical of the type of art used for Return of the Jedi back in 80's, which I absolutely love. The different games that could be played with these cards are Alien Adventure, Creature Concentration, Super Solitaire, Jedi Apprentice, and Jedi Master. They are not original games since they are basically Go Fish, Card Matching, Rock-Paper-Scissors, and Solitaire. It's okay that they are not original games because Star Wars makes them so much better.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Vintage Rebel Armored Snowspeeder Vehicle

This snowspeeder is the toy I got when I was a kid. I love that the front guns both lit up and made a great noise. It also came with a "harpoon" attached to its back end and a neat pop-down landing gear function. For some reason I don't have any memories playing with the snowspeeder. It's very strange. It's one of my collection pieces that I have on display. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Star Wars Collector Film Frame

I got this film frame back in 1995. If I remember correctly I got it at the Sharper Image. It was a bleak time of Star Wars collecting because there really wasn't much. This was before the Power of The Force 2 series of figures was released. I was desperate to collect anything related to Star Wars and this film frame was one of the them. It's an okay item. I don't have any strong feelings of nostalgia with this thing. There were others in this line but I never bothered to get any more. It just didn't do anything for me. Sigh!
Here's the actual film frame.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Return of the Jedi Perk-Up Stickers

These have been with me since the original release of Return of the Jedi. I don't remember where I got them or how I got them.  1983 was a long time ago. Since I was a kid who only got an allowance, I bought whatever I could afford that was related to Star Wars. Here is another item I did not open. I had opened all of the action figures and play sets but these things would remain in mint condition. Go figure!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Star Wars Word Puzzles Book

I've had the Star Wars Word Puzzles book since the 80's. Back in the day I was a collector of anything Star Wars related. I got this really cool book and never used it. LOL!
I'm sure it would have provided a kid like me hours of enjoyment but I just couldn't bring myself to write in it. Even though I played with the toys, things like this book I did not want to ruin.
As the pages show, this book looks like a lot of fun for the Star Wars fan. The pages have yellowed because I don't have the book in a protective sleeve. Maybe that is something I should do since I want this to stay in good condition for years to come.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Vintage Han Solo Laser Pistol

Back in the 70's and 80's we were able to have toy guns that almost looked like the real thing. We found hours of entertainment running around our backyards with friends shooting at each other. It was fun. In this era Kenner gave us our first opportunity to be Han Solo when they produced the Star Wars Laser Pistol. The Laser Pistol was so cool because now we could play out scenes from Star Wars with sound effects. We didn't have to run around shouting, "pew, pew, pew." I remember my friend, John, having this toy way back in the 70's and we would play. I was really jealous because I did not have one. Sadness! This toy had eluded me for many years until I decided to get one off of Ebay. I was so happy when I got it, and put batteries in it to hear the "sound effects." LOL! The sound is definitely not movie accurate.  Anyway, it looks great.