Friday, September 28, 2018

Vintage ROTJ Laser Rifle Carry Case

This came out in 1984. Honestly, I don't know why I got this. Granted I needed more space to put my figures in but this is a bit too awkward. I really like how it looks as a collectible and on display. As a collector's case, it is silly.

Also, as a collector, the only place I need my figures to be is on display. I don't want my figures hidden inside a case. That's just crazy!

Micro Machines Fan Club Edition Millennium Falcon

 Ooo! Numbered! Only 26,000 made. Very cool. I wonder if that makes it rare?


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Making of Star Wars VHS

 If I remember correctly, I got this through mail order in 1995. I had to rent a movie and then use the rental receipt with the order form to get this free vhs. This is actually from the 1977 television documentary. This is the alternate 1995 version with Don LaFontaine as the narrator. The original 1977 version has William Conrad as the narrator.
This documentary can be found on Youtube!

Sega CD Star Wars Chess

 I don't have the Sega CD anymore so unfortunately I cannot play this game. Sadness! When I did have ghe system I would play the game a few times. The sad thing is I don't really like the game of chess. I only got this because...Star Wars!
The animations when characters get defeated is pretty cool though. LOL!

Starlog's Star Wars 10th Anniversary Issue

This issue of course came out in 1987 because that was the 10th anniversary of Star Wars!  This is a great issue with a lot of photos and articles about Star Wars. It's also a nice time capsule because of the articles about other movies going on at the time, and the ads from the 80's. Very tubular!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Vintage Star Wars Darth Vader's Activity Book

 This old book came out in 1979. I was really young and did most of the activities. I'm sure a lot of fun was had. It is a rare example of me using up a Star Wars paper collectible.
 It's interesting how the Star Wars font kept the opposite page from discoloring. Pretty cool!

Good times.

Blackthorne Star Wars 3D Commic Issue 1

A squad of TIE fighters bears down on the Millennium Falcon as it soars through outer space. Luke mans the Quad laser cannon while Han jockeys the ship around in a circle causing several of the fighters to collide with one another. After dispatching the Imperials, Luke asks Han to take him to Tatooine so that he may tidy up some unfinished business.
He visits the shallow graves of his aunt and uncle. He has inherited their moisture farm, but has no plans on maintaining ownership. He now allows the Force to guide him in search of a suitable being with whom he may leave the farm. 
Luke and others rent a landspeeder and travel to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. The Force guides Luke to a corner table, where a disgruntled alien named Throgg sits, slowly sipping a drink. Luke learns that Throgg was once a moisture farmer, but hte Galactic Empire took control of his farm, forcing him to flee Tatooine. He has only recently returned to the desert planet. Luke offers Throgg the deed to the Lars moisture farm, but Throgg doesn't trust Luke's intentions. 
Meanwhile, several othe cantina patrons recognize Han and Chewie and a barroom brawl explodes inside the dimly lit building. Luke leaves the deed with Throgg and jumps into the action. The heroes rush outside only to discover a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers marching the street. The Imperials open fire on them, forcing Luke and Han to executer a hasty retreat. They eventually get back to the Millennium Falcon and blast off into outer space. 
Later, Throgg takes the deed and visits the Lars farm. Despite his earlier gruffness, he is supremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity to restart his life. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Dark Horse Comics Splinter of the Mind's Eye Issue 1

Deep in the swamplands of the planet Mimban lies a powerful crystal, capable of giving its possessor an invincible mastery of the Force. In the right hands, it could save the galaxy. In the wrong hands, it could destroy it! While the explosion of the first Death Star still reverberates through the cosmos, Luke and Leia find that the war they thought they won was only a battle and that the dark side of the Force still stalks the galaxy.

Dark Horse Comics Classic Star Wars Issue 20

Classic Star Wars 20 is the twentieth issue of the Classic Star Wars series, published by Dark Horse Comics. 
This particular Classic series were reformatted and colored reprints of the Star Wars daily newspaper strips by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson from the early 1980s.
Williamson supplied new panels and art to flow the stories for traditional comic format.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Classic Star Wars The Early Adventures Comic Issue 1

Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures is a comic series that is part of the Classic Star Wars  series of comics and re-publishes Russ Mannings's Star Wars black and white newspaper strips which originally ran from 1979 to 1980.  The artwork has been colored, reformatted, and retouched by Dark Horse Comics. 
The series is composed of 9 issues released between August 1994 and April 1995, and compiled in a trade paperback in May 1997.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 50

Lando and Chewbacca pilot the Millennium Falcon from the site of a new Imperial base with TIE Fighters in hot pursuit when a Rebel Blockade Runner fires into the TIEs' midst. Leia is on board the Runner and compels Lando and Chewbacca to abandon their current search for carbonite-frozen Han Solo in light of a greater threat to the Rebel Alliance
At a former mining colony commandeered as the new Rebel base on volcanic planet Golrath, Leia shows Lando and Chewbacca, a 2-1B operating on a comatose Luke whose only visible change is the crimson pallor of his eyes. On a routine X-wing patrol flight, Luke and his squadron came across a derelict Imperial Star Destroyer with all its personnel dead and turned crimson-skinned. Luke and the other pilots caught the unknown virus as well and were promptly quarantined after returning to base. The others died, but Luke remains only in suspended animation through his affinity with the Force
Leia remembers a story Han once told her about his and Chewbacca's mission on the edge of the galaxy that involved two red jewels; one such jewel was found out of its canister on the Star Destroyer. He hesitates at first, but Chewbacca relates (with C-3PO translating) how he and Han were shanghaied aboard a pirate ship and transported to the Red Nebula, an area of the Unknown Region. With a crew of pirates and mercenaries, Han pilots the ship safely through the asteroid field that separates the Red Nebula from the rest of the galaxy.  Upon landing on a planet orbiting a single sun, Han, Chewbacca, and several mercenaries descend on a temple to remove what ship's captain and exile Klysk says are two red jewels with worth beyond calculating.
Upon arrival at the temple, three of the mercenaries encounter the priest and the temple's twelve-foot-tall shaggy guardian. In this distraction, Han reaches for the jewels himself, but the guardian reaches for Chewbacca instead, perceiving a childlike version of herself in the Wookiee. Han returns to Klysk with the jewels, but he takes them and strands Solo on the planet, dooming it in the priest's belief to their destruction by the Red Nebula. The jewels were believed to protect the planet from cosmic forces, and after Klysk pilots his ship into the sun, the priest believes them doomed. Solo then confesses that he replaced the jewels with rocks before he gave them to Klysk; however, one of Klysk's crew tried to make off with a single jewel, and he's found dead with crimson skin -- the first known sighting of what the Alliance came to call the Crimson Forever. Han and Chewbacca are provided with a ship to leave the planet.
Back in the present, Lando, Leia, and Chewbacca pilot the Millennium Falcon into the Red Nebula and find a battle-scarred House of Tagge mining explorer. The then-head of the House, Domina Tagge explains to a captive Lando and Leia how she hired bounty hunters Bossk, Dengar, Ig-88, and Zuckuss to help her find a power that would destroy the Empire and the Alliance in vengeance for her brother Orman Tagge's death at the hands of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.  The other jewel's are on board the ship, but the whole area's been quarantined because the longer both jewels remain separate, the more organic lifeforms are affected by them. The Star Destroyer Luke's patrol encountered intercepted the Tagge explorer and confiscated one of the jewels.
After Lando and Leia escape, Domina plays the last card she has; by having droid IG-88 reunite the two jewels, the effects of the Crimson Forever are reversed for Luke Skywalker. The jewels themselves are dispatched out of the galaxy, and Domina Tagge and the bounty hunters are given transport away from the Star Destroyer. In the last panel, Lando says he suggested to the bounty hunters that the Empire might offer a substantial reward for Domina Tagge for the destruction of a crew on one of their ships-of-the-line. "They seemed quite interested."

Friday, September 21, 2018

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 100

On the forest moon of Endor, Admiral Ackbar administers a pilot training program to several members of the new Alliance of Free Planets. Han Solo works outside the rules of the programming for maximum effect. But although he is the most experienced pilot present, his test results keep him grounded. He later voices his displeasure to Lando,  Luke and his childhood friend from Corellia, Bey. 
Later, Mon Mothma learns that a squadron of Nagai ships have been seen flying over Endor. Realizing that their position has been exposed, they prepare to evacuate Endor in order to keep the Ewok population free from their problems with the Nagai.
Lando leads the defense operation against the Nagai ships, while Luke and Han remain on Endor. Anxious for something to do, they go check out some strange activity that had been reported to them by an Ewok named Tippet. Luke and Han find a group of Nagai soldiers on the moon. The ships above Endor are meant as nothing more than a distraction, so that the ground team can take the base while all their best pilots are away. The Nagai discover Luke and Han spying on them and send their robot sentries to stop them. Luke and Han are separated and after the fight, Luke takes his speeder back to warn the Alliance.
Han begins walking back to the HQ on foot when he comes across Bey. Bey reveals that he is the one who informed the Nagai of the Alliance’s location. Han asks why Bey would betray them, and he reveals that he is only half-Corellian. His mother was Nagai and he feels more allegiance towards his Nagai side than his Corellian side. Bey is supposed to kill Han, but finds that he cannot. The Nagai known as Knife overhears this and tries to shoot Bey. Instinctively, Bey turns and shoots Knife in the stomach. Knife is Bey’s half-brother.
Above the moon of Endor, Lando, Wedge, Fenn and other pilots battle the Nagai ships. Lando uses one of Han’s crazy piloting techniques to win the day.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Power of the Force 2 Kabe and Muftak Figures

 Yeah, I got this in the 90's and kept it in the box. When I took these pictures, I noticed the tape on the side had come undone after all these years. Well, I decided to open it and take out the figures for display.

 Lo and behold they are SEALED in the box! That is different. This is the first time I had ever experienced figures sealed in their packaging. I decided to keep them sealed...FOREVER!!!Mwahahaha!!!!

Vintage MPC X-Wing Fighter Model Kit

 I'm not particularly fond of model kits. From some reason I could never get them done right. Maybe it was because I was a kid and didn't have the dexterity for putting models together. I did several when I was young and they were frustrating and never came out the way I wanted. This is my first snap model kit. It looks easy enough. It was given to me and I can't bring myself to put it together. I had such a bad experience as a kid that I'm afraid this one will get messed up. Maybe some day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Marvel Return of the Jedi Issue 1

Part one of a four issue mini-series of the Return of the Jedi movie adaptation.
Unlike the other two previous Marvel Star Wars movie adaptations Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, this was not part of the regular series.

Darth Vader checks on the status of the Death Star while the Rebels attempt to rescue Han  from Jabba the Hutt. 

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 25

After their escape from the Wheel, Leia and Luke arrive at Centares to trade in the Spoilt Sport for a more practical and less traceable ship. As they leave the planet they discover that a House of Tagge Mining Exploerer is on its way to Yavin. Knowing the Tagge's ties with the Empire and fearing for the security of the Rebel base on Yavin 4, they decide to follow them and investigate further. They discover that the Mining Explorer is transporting Imperial TIE Fighters to the planet Yavin and hiding the fighters in the thick gaseous atmosphere of the giant planet. Luke and Leia realize that this can only mean danger for the Rebel base nearby and rush to alert them, but are intercepted by an Imperial patrol.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 27

The bounty hunter Beilert Valance has come to the world of Feriae Junction where he shoots a cantina patron named Marko Tyne  and then retreats to his agent, Skinker, to collect the bounty. Valance's payment is a collection of rebuilt droids, which he melts into slag with several blasts from his weapon. Forced to live as a cyborg  due to injuries sustained from an aerial torpedo, Valance has an irrational hatred of all droids and he hunts them down wherever he can find them. Valance's next mission is to find Luke. Not only is Luke a droid-owner, but he also apparently treats them as equals, which Valance finds repulsive.
Meanwhile, Luke has taken C-3PO with him in a blockade runner  and is mapping out the perimeter of the Galactic Empire's  most recent blockade. He deftly maneuvers the runner out of the way of an oncoming Imperial Cruiser before making the jump to hyperspace. Now Luke has to find a trading post so that he can find parts needed to make repairs to the disabled R2-D2.  He lands the blockade runner on Junction.
Valance discovers that an Imperial spy has been trying to alert the Empire as to Valance's presence on Junction. Valance, being an Imperial defector, can not let his whereabouts be known, so he shoots the spy, killing him before he can transmit a signal.
Luke and Threepio arrive at Skinker's salvage yard. They acquire the parts they need, but before long Valance returns and finds them. He tries firing at Luke with his blaster but Luke deflects the shot with his lightsaber. The blast arcs back, striking Valance in the face. Part of his flesh is melted away to reveal cybernetic parts beneath. Valance manages to get Luke's blaster and saber away from him and is prepared to kill him. In a rare moment of bravery, C-3PO stands between Luke and Valance, declaring that he is ready to sacrifice himself for his master. Moved by behavior which is typically uncharacteristic for a droid (and exceptionally uncharacteristic for Threepio), Valance decides to let them go.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 6

The Death Star's imminent attack on Yavin 4 prompts the Rebels to send a squad of t-65 X-Wing starfighters to destroy the giant space station. Spectacular space battle ensues between the X-wings and Imperial TIE fighters. Luke, with the timely help of Han and Chewie, exploits the Death Star's tiny weakness and destroys it, saving the day for the Rebellion.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 4

After having some difficulty escaping Imperial stormtroopers aboard the Death Star, Luke, Han, Chewie, and the rescued Princess Leia meet with the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO at Docking Bay 327 which holds the Millennium Falcon. Ben Kenobi also arrives but is confronted by Darth Vader and the two engage in a lightsaber duel. Vader strikes Kenobi down in the duel, but in the confusion Luke, Leia, Han, and the rest of the group make good their escape from the Death Star.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 18

While training on board the Falcon, Luke falls into a deep and mysterious trance. AS Han, Leia, and Chewbacca pilot the Falcon toward medical help, they stumble across the remains of a House of Tagge merchant ship. They discover a surviving Rebel Soldier who tells them that the Tagge ship was actually attacked by Imperials, but was made to look like it was Rebels who destroyed the civilian craft. The Imperial cruiser of Commander Strom soon arrives on the scene intending to capture the Falcon and its crew, but Han pilots their escape to the relative safety of The Wheel. Strom sends his troops to follow, but is soon contacted by the Whee's administrator Simon Greyshade, who reminds the Imperial commander that the Wheel is supposed to be free of interference from the Empire. Strom then claims that these Rebels are responsible from the attack on the House of Tagge ship which was carrying profits from the wheel, at which point Greyshade relents and allows the Imperials onto the Whee's lower levels to catch the Rebels.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 19

The crew of the Millennium Falcon have split up aboard the gamer's paradise known as the Wheel. While the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 take the unconscious Luke Skywalker to the Wheel's medical center, the Wheel's administrator Senator Simon Greyshade arranges to have Leia brought to his quarters. Chewbacca, having made his way to the Crimson Casino on the Wheel's upper level, is captured by members of the Wheel Security Force and forced to enter The Big Game. In the meantime, Han is also entered into The Big Game, not knowing the Chewbacca too is a contestant in the gladiatorial event. This has all been arranged by Greyshade, who is working out a deal with Imperial Commander Strom to have all of the Rebels meet an untimely end o the condition that Leia be allowed to stay with Greyshade on the Wheel.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 51

General Rieekan receives word from Rebel spies that the Galactic Empire is constructing a new superweapon known as the Tarkin. Realizing the danger the new weapon poses, Rieekan sends fro the group of Rebels who survived the original Death Star. The three Rebels and two droids are sent to the planet Hockalegin in the Patriim system  in order to infiltrate an Imperial construction crew and make their way on board the Tarkin. However, Darth Vader observes as the Rebels arrive in the giant weapon, and sets events in motion to capture his long sought after adversary, Luke. But little does Vader know that some of his own men are secretly plotting against him due to his vicious punishments imposed against their fellow Imperial officers.

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 24

After Han skillfully pilots the Millennium Falcon to destroy two TIE fighters, Leia mentions that Jedi pilots developed that same maneuver. She recounts on particular event involving Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Kenobi, traveling as a passenger on a pleasure cruiser, is notified by Captain Quasar that Merson pirates have been spotted in the Merson asteroid belt. The attacking ships are quickly destroyed, but Ben suspects the Mersons to have been lured by a signal from within the cruiser. The other passengers immediately accuse Augustus Tryll, a known criminal, of working with the Mersons, but Kenobi is not as quick to judge without proof. When more Merson ships are spotted, he realizes that the signal the pirates are tracking is originating from an innocent fermentation device on board the cruiser. Once he destroys this device, the Merson ships lose track of the pleasure cruiser, and danger is avoided. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 8

Han Solo and Chewbacca are hired by Ramiz, a moisture farmer on Aduba-3, to protect his village from a band of local thugs known as the Cloud-Riders led by Serji-X Arrogantus. Han and Chewbacca hire six misfit spacers to help them with the task, including Don-Wan Kihotay, an old man who thinks he is Jedi Knight, and Jaxxon, a rabbit-like creature with a mean disposition. Serji-X tries to convince Han to forget about his mission to protect the peasants and even offers him compensation, but Hand declines. Meanwhile, on Yavin 4, Luke, 3PO, and R2 leave in a scout ship to search for a location for the new Revel Alliance base. 

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 26

The Empire has set up a blockade of the Gordian Reach Sector and Luke and Leia, on their way back to the Rebel base on Yavin 4, are ambushed by two Imperial TIE fighters. But just as the situation appears hopeless, a Revel X-Wing patrol arrives and destroys the two enemy fighters. Once they finally arrive at the base, they inform General Jan Dodonna about the events they observed earlier, where TIE fighters were entering the gaseous atmosphere of Yavin. Since Yavin's atmosphere is too thick for conventional signalling, they deduce that the House of Tagge and the Empire have developed some new signalling technology and set up a launch station within the gas giant. Luke goes on a mission to retrieve one of the signalling units from a downed TIE fighter, but at the cost of critical damage to R2-D2. Luke then pilots a captured TIE fighter, fitted with the new signalling unit, through the atmosphere of Yavin to the Achtnak Turbine Station. He destroys the station without trouble, but must find his way back to open space without the benefit of guidance from the station. Using the Force to direct him, Luke manages to find his way out of the thick atmosphere. Little does he know that Baron Orman Tagge followed him out, saving himself  from being lost on Yavin forever. 

Marvel Star Wars Comic Issue 101

Han's relationship with Leia is on the rocks! Han's ready to leave-but more than just jumping ship, he's going to take off for a whole different universe.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Topps Star Wars Galaxy Collector Cards

 Well, it was the 90's and I was desperate for collecting Star Wars. These Star Wars Galaxy cards came out and I had to have them. Collecting these reminded me of collecting the Topps cards from the 70's and 80's which I have and will need to post them as well. The art is fantastic!