Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Guide To The Star Wars Universe Book

 This is a very cool book to get all the information anyone would want about the Star Wars universe. At least, at the time I got this. I read most of it also. Nowadays, all anyone has to do is go on the internet. The internet has a plethora of information about Star Wars. So awesome!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Power of the Force 2 Jawa and Ronto

 I honestly don't know why I got this. It was during the resurgence of Star Wars toys collecting and I most likely wanted to collect everything. I don't know!!!
 The Ronto part of The Star Wars Special Edition is really dumb and fake looking. I still got this anyway.
 It does have a really cool feature that mimics what happens in the movie. The Ronto can swing the Jawa off of its back while the Jawa dangles on the rein. It works quite well.

I put the Jawa to good use by having it the Land of the Jawas display. The Ronto stays boxed away.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Accessories

 I really expected to get into this game and have some great play sessions with a few Star Wars fanatics like me. Alas, it never happened. Sadness.  Back in the late 80's, I personally do not know anyone into Star Wars as much as I. We did not have the internet so there was no way for searching out people who would be interested in playing.  I was out of high school so being an adult it was difficult to find new friends.
 Oh well. This metal set of different characters from Star Wars is very nice. They are heavy also.

I suppose they will just stay in my collection unused, because I really have no interest in the roleplaying games anymore. LOL!!!

Hot Wheels Starships: First Order Tie Fighter

I really like these collections. The offer the vehicles at a very low cost. I got this at the 99 cents store for about $1. Very good price!!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

West End Games Star Wars Role Playing Books

I got these books way back in the dark times of Star Wars collecting. It was 1987 and all of the Kenner toys were no longer on the shelves. What is a collector to do? How does a collector continue to chase that monkey and fulfill the need of having more Star Wars?? How? Well, when the Star Wars role playing game came out that was something to satisfy that craving for more. 

 It's a game based around Star Wars! It must be fun. I would never know because I couldn't find any one to play. Sigh!
Anyway, the sourcebooks are amazing because they include very detailed information about people, droids, animals, vehicles, and ship that we never knew...back in 1987! Now all the information is out there from many sources but in 1987 this was the ONLY source. It was exciting! 
 It was great reading more about the world of Star Wars. Unfortunately, I never got to play because, well...sigh.
Anyway, great stuff! 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Kylo Ren's Tie Silencer Vehicle

 The Tie Silencer is such a cool looking ship. If I remember correctly the ship in The Last Jedi is black, but this toy is a dark grey. Kinda lame but still awesome looking. I like that the ships all come with a figure. This toy originally sold for about $50 but I was able to get it for $9!! Excellent!

 The only problem I have with this is that the sound only come from the Force Link device and not within the ship. I miss the days when all of the electronics were in the toy.
 To add to the play value this ship also shots a torpedo! The launcher pops out with a press of a button at the back of the cockpit hatch. Very cool!
The Kylo Ren figure is a nice sculpt. Looks like he is ready to attack the Resistance!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Crazy Toys Bootleg Stormtrooper Figures

I saw these Stormtroopers on ebay a few years ago and had a difficult time deciding if I wanted them, because they are bootleg. Also, I had a difficult time accepting that the troopers would look as good as in the pictures. Since they were only $10 I decided to buy them, especially since the black one looks really cool. I got them and they look really good. Upon glancing no one would tell the white one is a  bootleg. On closer inspection there are a few differences. The hands are shaped differently and the arms and legs joints do not have smooth movements as the originals.
Still, they look great on display. I like the black Stormtooper and learned that they are called Shadowtroopers. Pretty neat!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Vintage Power of the Force R2-D2 with Pop-Up Lightsaber and Coin

The Power of the Force line came out in 1985 and the sales were not that great. This was the end of the Kenner line of Star Wars figures. I collected every one of them. I was in high school and didn't play with figures anymore but for some reason I still felt the need to open them. Also, what is up with that picture on the card?? I am sure Kenner could have found footage of R2 with the lightsaber. Sheesh!
Look! I didn't mark up the back! Yay!
I decided to get these really cool coin displays. They look a lot better than just laying flat.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Vintage R5-D4 Figure

Here is my original R5-D4 from the 80's! It looks really good! With some of my figures I took really good care of them. I guess some of the figures I didn't play with very much.
Typical of my story, I marked the back of the card.
Here are other R5-D4 figures that I collected through the years. The figure on the card is a on a reproduction cardback. It looks really nice even though it's easy to tells it's not an original because the card is not as glossy. I got it at a time when the reproduction cardbacks were not that great looking. Now, they look just a good as the originals and can cost up to $35! Yikes! I'm not gonna pay that much for a repro. No way! 

The figure on the far right has a reproduction sticker that I got for free. It makes the figure look better even though the sticker is kinda wonky. Just look at the lines. Anyway, the new sticker upgrades this otherwise beater of a figure.