Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Story of Return of the Jedi Record

I remember way back in the 80's that vcr's were just beginning to increase in popularity. We could not afford one and didn't have a vcr until late 80's. The only way I could get the story of Return of the Jedi was to either wait for it to show on pay tv or get this great record. I loved listening to this record because it was a way to "see" ROTJ any time I wanted, without the ability of actually seeing it any time I wanted. After seeing the movie I would be able to visualize the events with the help of this record. Those were quite different times. Ah, memories!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Return of the Jedi Storybook

Here's a story book I got back in 1983. The sad thing is we were not able to see the movie for a few months after it's release. I got this book as a gift and would read it and imagine what the movie was like. I even took the book with me in high school. I remember one student asking if I had seen the movie and didn't understand that I had not since I was carrying the book around. Whatever!!! I do what I want!!! I eventually got to see the movie and was very happy about it. I even remember the movie theater where I saw it. Unfortunately it is no longer standing but every time I pass by the place where the theater was I would remember fondly of the time I saw Return of the Jedi.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Power of the Force Cantina Diorama

I got this set from my friend who decided to sell his Star Wars collection. He sent a list of everything we was selling and I read this on the list. I was thinking it was the original cantina from the vintage Star Wars collection so I told him to hold it for me. I get to his place and I see that it is this one. I am not disappointed because I like the diorama aspect of the set. It's still in the box because I don't have any room to display it. One of these days, when I have more space then I definitely will.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Electronic Power F/X Emperor Palpatine

This is from the line of figures that were released in the 90's. When the wave of The Power of the Force 2 line of figures were released in stores I went crazy. New Star Wars figures and I wanted them all! After the basic figures Kenner decided the make figures with lights and sounds. This Palpatine figure would have the electric bolts from his hands light up. I'm sure It is very cool, but as seen in this picture I did not open it. I didn't open any of the figures that I got in the 90's. I felt that the figures inside the bubble on card looked really cool! Sometimes I really wished I hand't opened the vintage figures because they look so great on card. I was just a kid at the time and really wanted to play with them. LOL!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Starlog Salutes Star Wars Souvenir Program

Here is the original program book for the Starlog convention that's been in my collection since 1987. Check out the video I did:
Starlog Salutes Star Wars

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Universal Remote Control

The Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Universal Remote Control by Telemania was in stores way back in 1997. I got mine from Spencer Gifts store. I was browsing through the store and saw this remote. I loved how it looked and the novelty of it so I had to have it. I actually used it for a while. I eventually but it back into the box and stored it away because I didn't want it to get ruined.  One of the cool features is that the push of any button "arms" the lightsaber and emits the saber light. Also, the buttons made sounds. I highly doubt it will work with any of current technology. Still looks great on display, though. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Death Star Briefing Action Figure Set

I got this mainly because it is very cool! All of the characters in the briefing room during Star Wars in one package was hard to pass up. I saw this as some convention and it's been in my collection ever since.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Vintage Dagobah Action Playset

The Dagobah Action Playset recreated the boggy habitat of Yoda's home planet. It incorporated a number of action features, like the "levitating" feature which was very cool. It allowed kids to simulate Luke's levitation of R2-D2 and assorted cargo trunks through his manipulation of the Force. To this end, two different silver "trunks" were provided, as well as a cylindrical component, which allowed the R2-D2 figure to be lifted upwards atop one of the movable filaments located in the playset's base. Unfortunately, I had lost the cylindrical component. I don't know how since all of the pieces were kept in a plastic bag, but when I was ready to display my playset the one piece was missing. So annoying!!! As seen in this photo, the swamp foam is gone mainly due to deterioration over the years. There was nothing I could do about it. Sadness!!