Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Power of the Jedi R3-T7 Figure

So apparently R3-T7 can been seen waaaaay in the background in the scene where Ben and Anakin deal with that bounty hunter Zam. Blink and you will miss this droid! LOL!!!!

Droids are way cool though!!! Can't have too many! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Power of the Jedi K-3PO Figure

K-3PO is a figure never made during the Kenner era. It's a really cool looking droid, and I like to have a lot of different droids in my collection. There is something about the droids that I really like.  Maybe it's because they are something we don't have in our world.

The Star Wars universe droids have some great designs. Stan Solo has a version of this droid in the old Kenner style. I'm looking into getting it. The vintage style K-3PO would look awesome in my displays.