Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vintage Large Size Luke Skywalker Action Figure

The Luke Skywalker Large Size Action Figure was in stores in 1978 and features a nicely-sculpted head and a pretty accurate outfit. 
The figure came with a grappling hook accessory, 

as well as a blue lightsaber. The latter accessory has boggled the collecting senses of more than a few hobbyists, due to the fact that the 3 3/4" version of Luke came with a yellow saber. 

These large figures sold in stores in the late 70's and early 80's but were not very successful. Considering the smaller figures had vehicles and playsets, these large figures only had, well, other figures to play with....oh and a young child's imagination!!!!

A story from my childhood:

This is my large size Luke Skywalker action figure.  Luke is the only large figure I ever had when I was a child, so most of the time it would be in its box doing nothing. My friends eventually got large figures as well so we decided to play together. I was really anal retentive about my Star Wars toys.  I would only play with the Luke figure indoor because the collector in me didn't want it to get all dirty and stuff. It was really restrictive play and my inner child wanted to take Luke to this really cool play area outside with dirt that could replicate the Tatooine desert. My inner collector  and my inner child were in heated battle!!!! The collector wanted to keep Luke pristine but my inner child wanted to go play in the dirt. It was an epic struggle!!!!! Eventually the inner child's tantrums were much stronger and defeated the collector. The child cheered in victory and rushed out to the faux Tatooine with Luke in hand. Many hours of enjoyment occurred in that play area. Luke got really dirty. The child was happy. The collector wept.

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