Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Power of the Force 2 Ponda Baba

 When the POTF2 line came out in the 90's, I went totally crazy!! I was like "Wow! New Star Wars figures!! I want them allllllll!!!!!"  I was at an age that I didn't play with them so they were never opened. I didn't even have space to display, so most of these POTF2 figures ended up in totes for many, many years.
 Now that I have a place to display them all, I am currently making decisions as to which ones will be displayed on card and which will be displayed loose. Well, I came across the Cantina Showdown set and decided to use the Ponda Baba in that one for my Cantina display. This Ponda will stay forever on card, and that is okay.


  1. i was super excited too about star wars toys being re-released. All my vintage star wars toys were long gone having been destroyed by my nieces and nephews. So now i had the chance to buy back what i once had and get all the figures and ships i never got as a child. Power of the force started me on the road to being a serious SW toy collector.

    1. Yikes! That is a total drag that your SW toys got destroyed! Did you rebuy the vintage line?
