Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Vintage Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi Figure

 Here is my figure from childhood. Yeah! I was even able to keep the tip on the lightsaber. Very cool!!
 I just wish I wan't such a dork and marked all over the cardback. So annoying!!
 I got two more Ben's through the years. Obviously the others do not have capes. I am hoping to find matching vinyl color to make reproduction capes. It's pretty difficult to find that color. Argh! Also, the Ben on the right still has a lightsaber. That's a plus!
I apparently tried to fix a tear in the cape but got other stuff on the glue. Such a kid thing to do!


  1. These are melting my heart with nostalgic bliss! I love seeing the figures from the 78 and 79 line on the ESB cards because that was how I got most of them. There's a charm to seeing Old Ben or Greedo on an ESB cardback. Thanks for sharing! Brilliant!
