Thursday, February 15, 2018

Vintage Large Size C-3PO Figure

Now this figure I totally remember when and where I got it, because it was a special day. Way back in 1987 I went to the Starlog Salutes Star Wars 10th Anniversary. It was a Star Wars convention and it was pretty basic. This was in no way like the Star Wars Celebrations of today. This was your basic convention with very little fan fare because in 1987 only the die hard fans of Star Wars would even care to go. I had to go! It was the 10th anniversary man!!! I got to look at the models and props from the movies, and meet some of the actors. They didn't have any of the BIG actors but I remember that Peter Mayhew was doing a signing. I did not go on that day. I went on the day that George Lucas was going to be there. They did a showing of Star Wars on a big screen and then Lucas came out for a Q&A. It was a lot of fun. As I walked through the merchant booths I happened upon a Blue Snaggletooth and was horrified that it would cost me $20 to get it! Ha! That was crazy! LOL! As I perused the other booths I saw this C-3PO for $20 and decide it was a better deal because it is bigger. Of course!

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