Saturday, March 24, 2018

1997 Taco Bell Star Wars Toys

When the Star Wars Special Editions hit theaters in 1997, I was so excited to see them on the big screen again. Being a diehard fan, my excitement ran so deep. After years of barely anything associated with Star Wars in stores or cinemas, there was a firm guarantee of several years' worth of all-new Star Wars madness filled with movies and collectibles and magazine covers.  Taco Bell got into the Star Wars merchandizing, and fans could go and get cool Star Wars toys in even cooler boxes.  The draw for me at that time to go to Taco Bell...a lot, was the kids' meals! Packed with tacos and a toy, there was a different box for each movie. Each box has pop-off pieces that could be used to create cardboard action scenes. I, of course, chose not damage the boxes and keep them in perfect condition. These Star Wars toys were made by Applause. There are eight toys in all. 

A hollow R2-D2 figure with a smaller Princess Leia figure inside. It also included a lenticular image of hologram Leia. 

A balancing Boba Fett on a base that looks a lot like the Sarlacc Pit. 

A spinning Death Star that lights up. Unfortunately, mine does not light up any more:-(
A floating Cloud City. 

A really cool puzzle box. 

This illusion box. 
A spinning Millennium Falcon. 
For the little ones that can't have very small thing, there is this Yoda. 
All of these toys are really cool! It wouldn't have mattered if half of them sucked, I would have gotten all of them anyway. 

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